"If you want a real laugh, this video points out that the news footage of victims being carried away, were actually being carried towards the Pulse."
LOL if you want not just a laugh but a LMAO style of laughter, THink of all the people that fall for that.
The Big Bad Gov't. Didn't have to even almost do that. THe club was full.
Ever been to Orlando? I have once in 1990 to get a friend's wife. I rode along. Crazy little trip that was.Anyways, we went through town and they showed me the tour from a local's point of view. One thing htey were tripping out on was this gay bar (Houston has I don't know how many)They made such a big deal about it. LOL at the time I was more interested in their weird booze laws. See they had a liquor store where they got the liquor. Then they went into the "bar" next door to drink it. But the thing is, Orlando isn't that big of a city. I imagine the nightlife options for their homosexual population is a bit limited.
So it's pretty realistic to say all casualties are accountable and not made up actors. It really wouldn't do much anyways as the majority of teh people ran into the bathrooms and the SWAT team busted in through the bathrooms. And as usual, the sheep are all about the gun and not the shooter. Know how many people own "assault style" rifles in the US? Millions. Most of the people I know that actually use them other than for target practice, use them to hunt feral hogs. Somehow the idiots think that by banning firearms, that style in particular, is going to have any positive effect. All that will do is stop all those millions that don't do anything with their guns from legally getting one and the psychos will simply get more creative in what they use to take out large numbers of people. They won't go away because of a stupid law. They'll just watch youtube and come up with something even worse.
Remember what I said about this shooter? It appears he actually did have a juvenile history. Somehow, no one connected the dots.
Seems like his wife was in on it too.
And just how the hell can a person shoot up a bar, stop to reload, then check their facebook page?
Assault rifles... sure they look cool, but if you can't get off the first shot with one, then what good is it?
I'd prefer this over an AK or ar-15 any day.