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Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from 3CR :Yeah because racer x acts like a grown up?

Look you... you... you... DEMO USER (dawes?)! Racer X needs help and we all sorta hope he never gets it, OK?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Flotch :Same. They did such a great game, I spend my money without fear. Glad to support their company and the guys themselves. Thumbs up

Quote from GAVD999 :Same here, sure had more than original £24's worth out of lfs over the years, glad to put some back in Thumbs up

Same here. I thought that when getting the upgrade from S2 to S3, it would cost about the same as what the other two licenses did. It didn't. It actually cost less (like $4USD less.) Thumbs up
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from GAVD999 :He's already here, being as informed as ever...

He arrives in Scotland, where he is already far from popular after all the going on with his golf courses there and tweets this

"Just arrived in Scotland. Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back. No games!"

Even though Scotland clearly voted to stay in by a large margin.. Genius

Edit - link

I know he's there. I don't care that he's there. I just wish he'd STAY there. Knowing him, he thinks that since the Brexit, he can win in the Scotland Primaries.... Yeah. I think he's campaigning there. LOL you should vote for him. I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary shows up over there in the near future too. For photo ops and to show as a candidate, she's for the UK or something to that effect.

Anyways, I've been reading abut this:
Clause 29 of that Scotland Parliament Act.
That would be interesting if they enacted on it and basically vetoed the vote.
I have no idea if The UK should've stayed in the EU or left it. Not too sure how the EU works either.
But apparently the Brexit sure did screw with a lot of things besides the European Union.
The whole global economy has pretty much been stagnant since 2010, this can't be a good thing for it.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Brexit.... In the US of A we call that meal Breakfast.....
Yeah. We're totally clueless about all that here. But we are a little interested. To us it's something other than Trump or Hillary and we're all sick to death of those two morons.
But to be honest the Brexit thing is kinda boring. Where's the riots?
Rebel factions trying to get their piece of the pie? Why haven't the EU forces swarmed into the UK and declare Martial law and shoot the traitors for sedition? Seriously! I mean if y'all can go nuts watching paint dry - oops watching Soccer games, then y'all should be going batsh!t crazy over this. Why isn't London burning dammit?
I wonder though... think we can send Trump and Clinton over there?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
"And now we witness the preparations for drastic change in Washington’s policies that will return to the practice of direct military interventions, countless wars overseas and ongoing meddling in the internal affairs of sovereign states in the name of “US national interests and the protection of democratic values.” A couple of days ago dozens of US State Department officials signed a confidential document, calling for President Obama to launch a military assault against the government in Damascus. In their view, regime change in Syria is the only way to deal with ISIS. According to The Wall Street Journal, a total of 51 high-profile officials put their signatures upon the document in a bid to push President Obama towards military aggression."

But I thought you copied and pasted crap that said we made ISIS.... Make up your mind.
Copy and paste nonsense from one point of view or the other.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Two things....
Do you even bother to read some of what you post? I go to some of your links posted and its the same crap verbatim. I forget which link it was, but after reading it, it appeared to counter your whole love affair with Hillary Clinton. You know, you're a harsher critic of her than Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh combined?
Second thing... Don't like our crappy choice of Presidential Candidates? Fine. Then move here and vote for the crappy candidate of your choice. You can stay here. Hell. You can borrow my...ute.

So what do you think the planet and the US of A in particular is going to be like during the second Clinton era?

If Trump somehow is for real and somehow wins, do you think she'll flee the country?
There are more than a few people in capable positions that want to see her do time. All it'll take though is a simple felony conviction. That will make her politically toxic and a liability for anyone in politics to be associated with her. That's from lobbyists to the actual politicians themselves. The Clintons would effectively be shutout of the process. LOL and Soros, the Koch Brothers and the Illuminati will just have to build a new android.

Everything you've ranted on about and then some I've heard over and over and over again. And there's no disagreement from me whatsoever.
In fact, from what I've learned about them, it's a wonder how they got into the White House the first time. It appears they are extremely lucky, well connected and have the ability to be in the right place at the right time.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Gener_AL (UK) :My baby girl <3

Long time no see!
Nice bike!
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from :Well.. It looks like lack of intelligence most of the time. This group of people tries to compensate this with yelling random stuff about mothers and other weird arguments. The only problem is that this group of undereducated people seem to get bigger. Which is strange, you should expect from the internet generation that they would do something good with the extra amount of potential wisdom being offered. Disappointing.

ur mom sux... get a truk lamer. LOL could you imagine how boring our arguments would be if we just typed like that to each other?

Cyber bullies.... what a joke. What annoys me most about them is their total lack of originality.
Most of the time I have to stop and realize that I'm being "bullied". They're just that stupid.
I always thought it was just some goofy kid going through puberty withdrawals and that was the only way they could almost look tough. I didn't realize that it could just as easily be some fat middle aged loser that still lives with his parents. And them doing it for about the same reasons. Most of the time you can get rid of them easy enough by just being creative with your typing. Mock them, play stupid while actually making them look really stupid in the process. I dunno. Use your imagination. It's your best weapon on the internet and they most likely won't be using theirs.

"The only problem is that this group of undereducated people seem to get bigger."
I would call you Captain Obvious for that, BUT.....
It appears that the smarter our phones become, the dummer we get. It's all a bunch of paradoxes, isn't it?
All this information and technologies out there popping up by the day, yet hordes of ill-informed people increasing by the hour. Safety standards continue to get more idiot-proof, yet all that happens is God builds a better idiot. Educational standards at the highest it's ever been, yet the population is plagued with simpletons.
So that statement probably isn't all that obvious to most people Wink
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :"A confidential law enforcement source close to the investigation said a crowd of up to 300 people within the club — combined with the complex layout of the structure — may have resulted in numerous patrons being struck by gunfire from officers, according to WFAA-ABC 8."

So who needs a 'radical muslem' when US Cops can kill (n) number of hostages ???

And, no way was this the worst US mass shooting, at Wounded Knee the US Army murdered between 150 to 300 Indians.

"The conflict at Wounded Knee was originally referred to as a battle, but in reality it was a tragic and avoidable massacre. Surrounded by heavily armed troops, it’s unlikely that Big Foot’s band would have intentionally started a fight. Some historians speculate that the soldiers of the 7th Cavalry were deliberately taking revenge for the regiment’s defeat at Little Bighorn in 1876. Whatever the motives, the massacre ended the Ghost Dance movement and was the last major confrontation in America’s deadly war against the Plains Indians."

And, looking at the above example, that is why the 2nd Amendment is in place.

Orlando Victims Died Because They Were Unarmed - Not Because They Were Gay.

"I have written extensively on the history of ISIS, its proven ties to western governments and the disturbing program to forcefully inject millions of Islamic refugees into western nations in the name of dubious “multiculturalism,” allowing thousands of potential terrorists into our borders without obstruction. The reality is that terrorist attacks of small and medium scale are likely to become a monthly or weekly occurrence in the U.S. and the EU as we close in on the end of the year. Get used to the idea, because this problem is not going to go away while our own governments are aiding and even funding the very psychopaths that they are supposed to be protecting people from."

"Somewhere in the bowels of LHS (Langley-Hollywood Studios), a roomful of giggling script-writers have got to be bent over in side-splitting laughter at how much they are getting away with. Granted, not everyone has been introduced to The Anti-New York Times or any of the other alternative news aggregating blogs. We can therefore excuse Boobus Americanus, up to a certain point, for not understanding how the world works. But at some point, the accumulated bullshit gets to be so bloody damn “in your face” that even a moderately retarded child has got to stop and say: “Wait a minute! This doesn’t make any sense!”

But no. Boobus just keeps right on absorbing the media-fed manure being pumped into his non-functioning brain. In his TV-induced sports stupor, he does not detect the contradictory Orwellian doublethink of an anti-homosexual “radical Islamic fundamentalist” who had “pledged allegiance to ISIS,” now being described as a club-frequenting homosexual."

I'm having a hard time believing that someone outside the southern US dislikes gun control.

You still haven't told me what you think will happen when President Hillary makes a grab for guns.

There are soooo many morons over here that think gun grabbing is the way to go.
We see how well that works in Paris. I can tell you stories for days about how great Mexico's anti-gun laws work. And yet these morons want to do that here. They fail to realize that if the drugs laws didn't stop them from getting the weed they're smoking, then how the hell are gun laws going to do much? All gun control will do in the US is give the cartels another industry to exploit. On the plus side, with gun control in place, any 8 year old will now be able to get their hands on an anti-tank gun - no questions asked and tax-free. Not much control there, huh?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
"If you want a real laugh, this video points out that the news footage of victims being carried away, were actually being carried towards the Pulse."

LOL if you want not just a laugh but a LMAO style of laughter, THink of all the people that fall for that.

The Big Bad Gov't. Didn't have to even almost do that. THe club was full.
Ever been to Orlando? I have once in 1990 to get a friend's wife. I rode along. Crazy little trip that was.Anyways, we went through town and they showed me the tour from a local's point of view. One thing htey were tripping out on was this gay bar (Houston has I don't know how many)They made such a big deal about it. LOL at the time I was more interested in their weird booze laws. See they had a liquor store where they got the liquor. Then they went into the "bar" next door to drink it. But the thing is, Orlando isn't that big of a city. I imagine the nightlife options for their homosexual population is a bit limited.
So it's pretty realistic to say all casualties are accountable and not made up actors. It really wouldn't do much anyways as the majority of teh people ran into the bathrooms and the SWAT team busted in through the bathrooms. And as usual, the sheep are all about the gun and not the shooter. Know how many people own "assault style" rifles in the US? Millions. Most of the people I know that actually use them other than for target practice, use them to hunt feral hogs. Somehow the idiots think that by banning firearms, that style in particular, is going to have any positive effect. All that will do is stop all those millions that don't do anything with their guns from legally getting one and the psychos will simply get more creative in what they use to take out large numbers of people. They won't go away because of a stupid law. They'll just watch youtube and come up with something even worse.

Remember what I said about this shooter? It appears he actually did have a juvenile history. Somehow, no one connected the dots.
Seems like his wife was in on it too.
And just how the hell can a person shoot up a bar, stop to reload, then check their facebook page?

Assault rifles... sure they look cool, but if you can't get off the first shot with one, then what good is it?

I'd prefer this over an AK or ar-15 any day.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Forbin, are you aware that the shooter was gay and had frequented the Pulse regularly as a patron for a number of years ?

Known in the LGBT community.

Brought the guns legally in the past week despite 3 FBI investigations and a medical history of steroid abuse, which should have prevented him owning a gun.
Also Orlando is a no carry Safe Zone so so the gun rules didn't apply there.

There are a large number of facts here that the mainstream media is ignoring or not reporting at all.

Forbin....Have some pie. Crow Pie.

Mentally ill are mostly victims.... Of course they are. But that's when you lump in all the neurosis together. Bi-polar with a history of violence plus going from homosexual to Islamic terrorist faster than most cars can go from zero to sixty? That's mental illness too. And not usually the kind that become victims. And if anyone especially in this guy's case was a little bit more attentive, they could've picked up on the warning signs early in his life and this wouldn't have happened.
June is some sort of Gay Pride thing here in the US. Maybe all over. Ever since Gay marriage became the law of the land, psychotic homophobes have been popping up all over. In cities where there's a gay pride parade, cops are all over on edge.
They busted some nutcase in California recently. He was from Kentucky (middle of the country) and drove to California with a small arsenal to take out a Gay Pride parade. The really weird thing about him? He was a Bernie Sanders supporter. Wow. A Sanders supporter.
You know, most of those homophobe types base their insanity on the Biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
If they'd actually bother to READ the story instead of listening to some other homophobe babble on about what they learned in Sunday school twenty years ago mixed with some BS from the History Channel, they'd know the real reason for those two cities' destruction. Wasn't to do with being gay. It was about whole societies devolving onto selfish insensitive beings that lacked any sort compassion, empathy or morals and were enslaved by their own trendy materialism. Think of two cities full of Khardashians.
A weird little side note to that. Later in the Bible. in the Book of Matthew, some dude asked Jesus if God would do something like that again. Jesus pretty much said Yeah. In a heart beat. Later still in the Quran, there's some story about the demise of Sheba. Sheba had basically turned into a Sodom and Gomorrah and had about the same thing happen to them. So until we see start seeing people turn into to salt, I don't think we have much to worry about two interior decorators tying the knot.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :

You make a valid point here...
The Orlando Shooting is being Milked for all it's worth by both syndicates. The D's want to blame all of this insanity on the gun. Yeah guns magically make people go nuts. They also use very flawed logic in assuming that strict gun laws against the law abiding will somehow stop people, especially people with a mindset learned from some other part of the planet from doing this.
The other guys? The R's? they are using this to ramp up their own anti-immigration xenophobia. Somehow a goofy religion has ALL of it's practitioners fanatically hell bent and determined to wipe out truth, justice and the American way. And that using an employment eligibility verification service, one that tracks the comings and goings of LEGAL citizens, will somehow stop all these dudes that no habla inglish from hanging out at the Home Depot Parking lot.
Now notice that none of these clowns focus on the real issue here - the nutcase that went off in the first place. That guy was a walking train wreck for years. This guy somehow fell through all the cracks at every stage of his twisted development. Want to do something to prevent this? Then come up with better ways to identify and treat mental illness. This would've never happened, not if they banned guns and not if they stopped Muslims from coming here, but if someone would've been paying a little more attention to him when he was probably as young as 11.

Also notice how during the entire run for their nominations, neither one of these candidates have said anything of any substance as to what they'd do if elected to achieve their goals.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Of course any 'Truth' (Capital T there) about Hillary gets downplayed. The 'Game' (Capital G there) says that the Plebs are so stupid that, having elected Obama, (Seriously ?, no one wanted to hear his history ^ ???, Ostrich time there US !!!) The 'Game' says'

"How can we top that ????"

"I know, lets see if the US voters (OK, with voting fraud*) are Dumb enough to ignore every thing about Hillary and elect the criminal scum.%"

^ Don't read that, After all you have his track record (Post 2008, when this was written !!!) to prove it wrong.... Oh, it didn't ???????
% (That's actually a proven fact guys, been posted already.)
* (And so's that, just how dumb# are you guys. ????)
# (Take the fifth there guys.)

Sadly, the Onion (2008) does provide the best journalism on the subject..............
(Also, as the Onion was getting far to close to fact as a parody, they have now been brought out as they were a huge threat to the 'Game')

Anyway, for the 2 or 3 people in the US who do have a working brain, try reading this.......

".01%’s Bozo ‘democracy’: War Criminal lying Clinton v. Racist WrestleMania Trump! America’s choice: Staged fear-show for slaves OR arrests to end Wars of Aggression, bankster economics, corporate media lies, and implement OBVIOUS solutions worth $1,000,000 for each US family. Your vote, America?"

"The US 2016 presidential stage-show is not an election because 25%+ of the “votes” are from electronic “voting” machines that do not provide countable receipts. Obviously: the definition of election includes verifiable vote counting, and without that component we have to call the American system of selecting representatives something other than democracy with elections. Several videos are in this article, with Princeton and Stanford as leading universities pointing out that election fraud is the obvious motivation to produce “counting” machines that provide zero evidence of what they claim to count. Please consider this 2008 2-minute parody from The Onion as the closest documentation we have to the facts."

$$$$$$ (Seriously, I wish I could make this stuff up, I'd have a great career in comedy !!!!)

When it was revealed in January (2016) that satirical news outlet, The Onion, had been purchased by Univision Communications (which is co-owned by one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest fans, top campaign donor, and pro-Israel fanatic, Haim Saban), it was if the world suddenly held its breath to see if the move would be the outlet’s downfall.
Now, it appears we have our answer. On Tuesday, an apparent attempt at satirical understatement in actuality proved to be nothing less than a blatant propagandistic fluff piece touting Clinton’s ostensibly stellar career.

So, having provided $$$$$$ with huge evidence/facts/information. I really expect no one to care or read it, ( because thats too hard) and for Hillary to be the next leader of the ROFL ($$$FREE$$$) world.
Cus the US as a (w)hole is too retarded to care.

Why the Onion had to be silenced.........

And here's my salute to putting 'that woman', Sorry, I clearly cannot identify that criminal as a 'woman' as that is non inclusive and, with Obuma, gender is irrelevant.

So, it's really just a criminal piece of scum........

Just outta curiosity, what do you think is going to happen here before the end of her first term?
After her and Obummer both refused to place the blame on the shooter and instead tell us it's the gun's fault. I got friends that have arsenals that rivals a few countries. You know I don't think any of their guns magically fly into their hands and make them go out in public. Yeah. The tell us we need to do something about everyday law abiding citizens rights and ignore the fact the guy and others was an Islamic fundamental case? How do you think that's going to play out Especially in areas where the common thought
is to able to defend yourself? That's another thing I notice not being brought up. You go to a bar in Florida of all places, that is to just about every bar but a gay bar and try to pull that off? LOL He might've got two shots off before some convicted felon took him out - and stole his phone too. I think the loser specifically targeted that nightclub for just that reason. Not whatever homophobic hangups the defect had. But again. It's not the coward's fault. It's not his F^&#ed up ideology to blame either. No. It's the gun. Yeah. The Gun. I guess the other ten thousand of those in houses all across the country are waiting. Waiting for their turn to take over their human owner and wreak havok upon mankind.

True story. There used to be this neighborhood bar here called Shenanigans. It sucked. Anyways, my friend had just got through playing this video game. Galaga maybe? WHile he was playing this psycho had gotten thrown out for starting trouble.He went out to his car, got out an AK-47 and proceeded to shoot up the front of the bar. The video game was against the front wall and exploded. A couple of other psychos come running out, guns blazing. I think they hit the guy's car. This was before we had concealed carry laws and I don't think any of the shooters were legally able to own a gun to begin with. How much do you think gun laws like what the powers that be are using this terrorist attack to get approved would stop people like that? And then think of how laws like that limit what you can do to stop people like that.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :No Name Maddox # can't stand because, like Hillary, he's in jail. This is my pick....

Don't Vote for the Lesser Evil.

Cthulhu is also the only candidate—Democrat, Republican or Other—who is more popular than Ebola, Zika and other celebrity diseases.

Politicians like Clinton and Trump pretend they do not keep an enemies list. We prefer our enemies know their torments will be unceasing once we are elected. The following are some of Those Who Will Be Eaten Last.

Curse Your Enemies
Curse your enemies! Let them know the wrath of Cthulhu will hound them at the End of Days. Guarantee that once elected, Cthulhu will eat your enemies last.
Makes a great holiday or birthday gift!
INSTRUCTIONS: Submit the name, state and city (optional Twitter handle) of your target via the “Order Notes” field at Checkout. After purchase, your enemy's name will be added to The Cursed for all to see.

Hillary Clinton, Democratic candidate for the US Presidency has been linked to racketeering, espionage, perjury and influence peddling according to the FBI.

FBI investigations revealed that The Clinton Foundation – owned by Hillary and Bill Clinton – which is a 501c organization, ie a tax-exempt non-profit company received several million dollars in donations that can not be traced back to the donors because they were funneled through a Canadian shell company.

While less than ten percent of these donations have been released to charitable organizations, $2 million of that percentage released to charity was traced back to one Julie McMahon, who is rumored to be a long-time mistress of Bill Clinton.

# (OK, he does make more sense than Hillary)


You know. You keep bringing up these things on the Clintons. And have you noticed how all of it gets down played? I don't think there has ever been a shadier political person than the the Clintons. Not even the Bushes or the Kennedys are that slimy. But what I'd like to know is more on Trump. Like for three days before he announced his candidacy, he was on the telephone. A lot. With? The Clintons! That little factoid got swept under the rug faster than you can say email server. Trump has a history with the Clintons. A long one. Also, why would a person smart enough to build a financial empire like Trump has done be dumb enough to alienate roughly 40% of the voting population right from the start? And also notice with Trump that if the media starts getting stagnant in their negative reporting of him and his mouth, he usually comes up with something new for them to harp on.
On the plus side, Trump and Clinton have helped to give the Libertarian Party a whole bunch of Mexican-American voters. Gary Johnson and the Libertarian Agenda comes up a lot more in conversations around here
than in previous elections. Yeah I know, The media constantly shows Mexicans bashing Trump and fawning over Hillary. They show pie charts stating Hillary's domination with Hispanic voters but the reality is quite different. No. She does have a lot of support there, just not as much as they claim.

Cthulhu..... I dunno. What's his stand on making school districts waste precious funds on transgendered bathrooms?

Cthulhu.... You like weird parallels... Look at Alistair Crawley, H.P. Lovecraft and the Ancient Sumerians.
Crawley and Love Craft didn't know each other, and they knew even less about the Ancient Sumerians. Yet the Lovecraft novels, Crawley's Enochian Magic and what archaeologists have found on Sumerian culture is almost completely interchangeable.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Trump University Lawsuit.

Not sure why this is yet to be mentioned, but here is yet another Clinton Crime Coverup Smile

"Hillary University: Bill Clinton Bagged $16.46 Million from For-Profit College as State Dept. Funneled $55 Million Back

With her campaign sinking in the polls, Hillary Clinton has launched a desperate attack against Trump University to deflect attention away from her deep involvement with a controversial for-profit college that made the Clintons millions, even as the school faced serious legal scrutiny and criminal investigations.

In April 2015, Bill Clinton was forced to abruptly resign from his lucrative perch as honorary chancellor of Laureate Education, a for-profit college company. The reason for Clinton’s immediate departure: Clinton Cash revealed, and Bloomberg confirmed, that Laureate funneled Bill Clinton $16.46 million over five years while Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. pumped at least $55 million to a group run by Laureate’s founder and chairman, Douglas Becker, a man with strong ties to the Clinton Global Initiative. Laureate has donated between $1 million and $5 million (donations are reported in ranges, not exact amounts) to the Clinton Foundation. Progressive billionaire George Soros is also a Laureate financial backer."

I wonder why the 'media' have overlooked mentioning this ?????

... I thought I replied to this, but I guess I didn't post it.
Anyways..... What do you expect? The so-called unbiased media is under the control of the Democratic Party.
Every time they bring up something about Hillary and her crimes, they downplay it and like I've stated before, make the accuser look like a moron, a right wing nut case and of course a racist.
Sorta like what they used to do to rape victims a long time ago.
I'm doing my part though. I'm encouraging everyone to vote for Charles Manson. I think he's infinitely more qualified than the other scumbags running. And let's face facts. With Good ol Charlie with his fingers on the buttons, punks like the North Koreans and Iranians will quit flapping their mouths cause we'll finally have someone in there that'll slap them shut.

Charles Manson in '16. Why the hell not?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :Actually, the US does have a tropical climate. It has both tropical monsoon climate zones, and tropical savanna climate zones in South Florida. What you linked to is a map the tropical savanna climate, but it's low enough resolution that you can't really see the little bit of tropical savanna climate that Florida does have. Here's an SVG of the full climate map from Wikipedia (It's probably the source of the image on the page you linked to):

Not that this really matters, they're not going to sell certain vehicles in a country just because of the climate in a tiny area lol

LOL you didn't need to go to the trouble of that map... Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Guam are in the tropics properly.

"Not that this really matters, they're not going to sell certain vehicles in a country just because of the climate in a tiny area lol"
Really? How many snowmobiles get sold in the Virgin Islands?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Or pigs.......

Good to see you read my post Smile

LOL took a minute to get that....
And clean off a space on your couch!
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :I am aware that many intelligent people have not had enough evidence to understand the issue with vaccinations and the points being raised against them.

Thimerosal is present in many vaccines that are given in the Western World, ie the Flu vaccine. It has also only just started to be removed in the US.

" In 1977, a Russian study found that adults exposed to ethylmercury, the form of mercury in thimerosal, suffered brain damage years later. Studies on thimerosal poisoning also describe tubular necrosis and nervous system injury, including obtundation, coma and death. As a result of these findings, Russia banned thimerosal from children's vaccines in 1980. Denmark, Austria, Japan, Great Britain and all the Scandinavian countries have also banned the preservative.

"Hepatitis B vaccines aren't the only immunizations under suspicion. According to Burton Goldberg in Alternative Medicine, scientists are finding stronger and stronger links between thimerosal and neurological damage. One report by Dr. Vijendra Singh of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Michigan found a higher incidence of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) antibodies in autistic children."

"This increase in reported autism cases eerily parallels the increase in the number and frequency of thimerosal-containing vaccinations administered to infants. As of today, children are given as many as 21 immunizations in the first 15 months of life. After a number of scientists and concerned activists noticed the correlation, an investigation was launched to get to the heart of the matter."

However, in the US.......

In the past five years, Congress has also aided vaccine manufacturers, supposedly for "security" reasons. In 2002, a mysterious piggyback on the 2002 Homeland Security bill freed drug companies of liability in lawsuits regarding thimerosal. Called the "Eli Lilly Protection Act" by outraged parents and activists, the then-House Majority Leader Dick Armey told CBS News he snuck the amendment in to keep vaccine-makers from going out of business. Armey claimed it was a matter of national security. "We need their vaccines if the country is attacked with germ weapons."

"Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is no stranger to the thimerosal debate, having received $873,000 in contributions from the pharmaceutical industry and $10,000 from Eli Lilly. Frist's position allowed him to attempt to help the industry from the inside,"

And, now the CDC have been forced to admit that all this was scientifically proven and known by them.
Heard that from THEM yet ???
Dead banana

Now all childhood vaccines have at least one mercury-free version, and I urge parents to ask for those versions if they choose to vaccinate their children. Injecting mercury into children, especially infants whose immune systems are still underdeveloped (hepatitis B shots are typically given at birth, before the immune system has developed), can be an assault to the immune system.

Did you know that there is such a thing as a Kosher flu shot? Yes Kosher. It doesn't have the the thimerosal in it.
I never understood flu shots. You get a vaccine for Flu "A". And get sick by Flu "B" instead. And I don't care what they say, you can give the flu virus to someone if you recently received the shot and they didn't. How do I know this? My Mother and Father-in-law when they were alive used to get them every year. If they showed up at the house a couple of days after they got the shot? We all got sick. Usually for 2-3 days.
And I don't think ANY of the flu vaccines they got did a thing seeing that it was always some other flu variant that showed up on flu season.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :"While historically an Australian-designed "ute" has been a 2-door vehicle based on a passenger car chassis (such as the Holden Commodore and Ford Falcon), the term is also used in Australia and New Zealand to describe vehicles which would be called a pickup truck or truck in the rest of the world."

So now you know.

Hey. Next year or early '18 we're going to be invading Australia and New Zealand... I'm going to need a couch to put my army on
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from :Not really.. The US has not such a zone either;

The continent has though, with Mexico. But since when does Mexico count?

You do realize you're typing to someone of somewhat Mexican Descent, don't you?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Uh... I been thinking. You know what else Europe doesn't have that the rest of the continents have? A tropical climate zone. Could that be a connection? Antarctica doesn't have a tropical climate and I don't think they have them there either. If there were a connection between the two facts, then that relationship would be beyond the comprehensive capabilities of mortal man.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :

but !!!!!!!!

I notice those two clock photos had different times on them. YOu think they were taken in different time zones?

The second photo? That's not a truck. And I'm from Houston Remember? Aside from making Home Invasion an extreme sport, we also invented the whole artcar concept. Not impressed.

Third Photo. That clown? Really? Hell. He doesn't even have a truck. Probably doesn't know how to drive either.

The Artcar Parade..... Used to be really cool back in the day. Now it's pretty much commercialized and copycats elsewhere. The guy that pretty much founded the parade? Well he got killed by a drunk driver in front of the place the art drivers hang out during that parade weekend a few years back. How ironic, huh?
The driver? He was a drunken teenager..... yeah. Driving a truck.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Actually, the question is really "What the **** is wrong with the US?"

The U.S. Defense Department is still using — after several decades — 8-inch floppy disks in a computer system that coordinates the operational functions of the nation's nuclear forces, a jaw-dropping new report reveals.

Defense has plans to upgrade its nuclear-related technology system soon. Lt. Col. Valerie Henderson, department spokeswoman, said: "This system remains in use because, in short, it still works. However, to address 'obsolescence concerns' Na-na, the floppy drives are scheduled to be replaced with Secure Digital devices by the end of 2017. Modernization across the entire Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications (NC3) enterprise remains ongoing."

And here we are arguing about VR systems and if a 1080 is a good investment for the future..........

Go Team USA..........

“We'll be saying a big hello to all intelligent lifeforms everywhere and to everyone else out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys.”

(No, not the latest 5 1/4" but actually 8". 5 1/4 will clearly be the next 'Big Step Forward'........ )

........The 8-inch floppy disk is to computers what the hand crank starter is to automobiles—a relic of the past, existing in museums, black-and-white photos and maybe your grandfather’s basement.

They’re the stuff of computer nostalgia, finding themselves made into a desk clock, attached to a tote bag or throw pillow, or emblazoned on a T-shirt. And they can also be used to launch intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Worse than that, the US military uses Chrysler(dodge) Pick-up trucks. Pickup trucks (utes) Racer X. Utes.
I don't know if the military uses them on bases in Europe though. Probably not. That's pickup truks Racer X. Utes, not word processors, 10 key or floppy disks. Trucks. Trucks in Europe Racer X. Europe. With a E.
And besides, you're looking at this the wrong way. Those Floppy disks? Hey that's Retro Chic. Where's your sense of style?